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Understanding your team - the key to managing performance.

Updated: Sep 2, 2021

Sadia Jaffery is a Transformation Coach specialising in helping individuals and organisations transition to a new way of working.

​Sadia has honed her skills in the software industry, growing business by nurturing relationships with all stakeholders and delivering awesome technology projects

​In this article, Sadia explains why she is helping organisations use the DISC assessment tool as a way of learning about team characteristics.

As someone who has benefitted from these kind of exercises working for great businesses, it is pleasure to be able to recommend Sadia's service. Jenny B

Sadia Jaffery explains why:

Did you know that on average 50% of employees are disengaged in a workplace? (

A disengaged employee is someone who views their workplace negatively or does the bare minimum to make it through the day, with little to no emotional attachment.

When employees are disengaged, morale drops. It can lead to an increase in absenteeism.

Absent/disengaged employees reduce productivity and impact customer service. It becomes a costly problem for organisations.

To increase engagement managers must get to know their employees and understand what drives them. Especially during current times where 75% of employees admit to feeling more detached from the organisation while working from home (Harvard Business Review, May 2020).

This is where DiSC assessments can help.

What is DiSC?

DiSC is an acronym that stands for 4 main personality profiles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness.

Dominance – assertive and focused on leading and achieving results

Influence – open and focused on relationships and persuading others

Steadiness – dependable and focused on cooperation and security

Conscientiousness - factual and focused on detail and accuracy

A DiSC assessment tool helps us understand our dominant profiles and is used by over a million people each year.

Why use DiSC?

To help deepen our understanding of self and others. When used in an organisation it can:

  • Improve communication

  • Help management understand team members and what motivates them

  • Increase productivity

  • Reduce conflict and misunderstandings

Gaining a deeper understanding of self and others can be incredibly powerful. Once we know our audience’s profile we can adapt our language and behaviour to build rapport. People respond better to people they like and connect with.

DiSC helps us acknowledge people’s strengths and challenges. Instead of labelling views as “wrong” or “right” we begin to understand where differences are coming from. What is important to each individual, their preferred ways of communication, their fears. Understanding DiSC profiles helps reduce conflict and allows leadership teams to lead more effectively. This improves team morale and increases productivity.

How can I use the DiSC assessment tool?

There are lots of free tests available online however I’d recommend going to an accredited body like The Coaching Academy. I found their results more accurate and detailed. As someone who has received DiSC training, I’d be happy to help with this process.

The assessment test is fast, we answer questions related to our behaviour. Results are shared in a detailed personalised report. The report lists our dominant profiles, strengths, general characteristics and how we are perceived by others. It also lists our occupational characteristics.

The test also provides 3 types of graphs: how you see yourself, how others see you and how you react under pressure. Knowing this distinction can be insightful.

If you have any questions or are interested in taking the test for either yourself or your organisation, feel free to get in touch. My email is


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