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An ivity project guide will support your data and analytics adoption: Pearl Consulting case study

The initiative

Pearl Consulting needed to establish their Impact Toolkit. It would create visibility of their global impact, introduce ways to benchmark their performance and track how it delivers against their mission.

Pearl Consulting is a global consulting service with a broad range of services, audiences and markets. They are making a big impact on a wide range of initiatives.

How ivity helped

We immersed ourselves in Pearl Consulting’s setting and their impact pillars to understand how the existing team used their technical suite.

We designed great ways of tracking and tracing the business. They’re regenerative, friendly and deliver upstream value so the information can be repurposed for future business.

We created routines for data collection that let it aggregate to identify where they’re making an impact.

ivity designed and introduced surveys using Microsoft Office Forms. We welcomed clients, partners and teams to share qualitative feedback and benchmark quantitatively – so the business can track progress.

We introduced sustainable and friendly routines for attributing suppliers and donation – so the business can report on its commitments and BCorp credentials.

We updated and adapted the Microsoft Office suite, using Lists and Power BI, to ensure the business is using modern data, analytics and visualisation tools.

Finally, we guided the team through the naming conventions and designed data collection that’s in tune with the business operation. This has allowed the growing team to get into the detail and really get onboard with the project.

The outcome

The client now has a suite of reports for credential decks, business development and understanding their business. They’re leading the way with better business and ESG reporting.

They have clean and friendly routines. This means the business has visibility of items that need tracking and tracing.

The team has a unique business language that they created together. It reflects the diversity and range of their work and allows them to demonstrate and celebrate their impact.

What you get with ivity project support

You get an experienced business person who recognises that your people are the key to your business.

We know you’re on a journey to better information – so you can continue to deliver great work.

We introduce a way of working that advances your technological adoption – in a creative and

regenerative way that’s sustainable and enjoyable.

We provide your team with one-to-one and group coaching to introduce new methods – so they’re upskilled and capable (not sidelined and displaced).

We push your reporting and analytics standards – so they deliver more for your business.

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